Individual Transfer Tray

To deliver completely customized Anboini braces to the mouth, individual transfer tray is used because of many advantages over group transfer tray.

The Anboini transfer tray1 is individual, which consists of bracket index resin (BIR) and tooth index resin (TIR), although group transfer tray for groups of adjacent teeth is used for indirect bonding in other competitor systems.Because individual transfer tray is made directly from the setup model, the brackets are precisely and efficiently delivered to the patient’s mouth.

1. Hong RK, Kim YH, and Park JY. A new customized lingual indirect bonding system. J Clin Orthod 2000;34:456-60.



The advantages of using individual transfer trays over group transfer trays include:

  • Accuracy

    Precise indirect bonding

    Accuracy of indirect bonding is essential for successful lingual orthodontic treatment. Individually customized prescription which is made during laboratory procedure can be transferred accurately and easily to the oral cavity with Anboini individual transfer tray.

  • Reproducibility

    Easy and precise re-bonding

    Don’t be afraid of debonding or loss of original bracket. Re-bonding original or new bracket withAnboini individual transfer tray is very easy and accurate.

  • Visibility

    Easy verification of goodness of fit

    Fit between lingual surface and bracket base can be seen and easily verified unlike a silicone transfer tray.

  • Accessibility

    Easy access for curing light and removing excess bonding material

    It is easy to cure light and remove excess resin.

  • Reduced laboratory time

    Because the BIR is preformed, laboratory time is reduced.