You can order not only custom-made but also ready-made Anboini brace.
You will receive customized Anboini Brackets, preformed lingual straight archwires, and individual transfer tray 5~6weeks after the following materials are submitted.
If you prepare the materials, send the impression and the bite by mail and the copies of panoramic radiograph and photos, and the presciption form by e-mail to Anboini lab. The shipping box for the impression and the bite will be provided by Anboini center if you click here and fill the request form.
If you want only ready-made Anboini brackets, order them to the following company.
"Price List and Order Sheet_Anboini Bracket and Wire"
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For 25 years, we have used Fujita’s multi-slotted lingual brackets and its associated mushroom archwires, who is the originator of lingual orthodontics. By the change of the time, the concept of the straight archwire also came into request in lingual orthodontics, which could not keep up with the Fujita lingual bracket. ...more