The Anboini system: Part II
The Anboini system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire at the 47th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists (KAO), Seoul, Korea from 31st October to 2nd November 2014.
2014년 10월 30일부터 11월 2일까지 서울 코엑스에서 개최된 대한치과교정학회 제47회 학술대회에서 발표한 연제 "The Anboini system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire"
홍윤기 Ryoon-Ki Hong, DDS, PhD
Chairman, Department of Orthodontics, Chong-A Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea
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For 25 years, we have used Fujita’s multi-slotted lingual brackets and its associated mushroom archwires, who is the originator of lingual orthodontics. By the change of the time, the concept of the straight archwire also came into request in lingual orthodontics, which could not keep up with the Fujita lingual bracket. ...more